What's News: New Making the Shift to Peaceful Parenting teleclasses are being offered! Go to the Upcoming Events page to see what's when and learn about these effective, practical classes.
Welcome! My name is Marji Zintz. I am an ICF-certified parenting and life coach and parent educator here to support parents of any-age kids to heal and transform their relationships with their children. If you are seriously at your wit’s end with yelling, lying, tears, tantrums, and angst, and if you believed these had to be part of parenting, I have some excellent news: They don’t have to be part of parenting. Really!
I work with my clients through one-on-one, group, and/or email coaching, helping them identify and integrate parenting tools and support they need to raise happy and healthy kids in a joyous, thriving, and...yes...peaceful home. I can help you, too.
Let’s get clear about one important thing: “Peaceful” parenting IS NOT synonymous with “walk-all-over-mom-and-dad” parenting. In peaceful parenting, there are no power struggles. There are no winners or losers. We are talking about power with, not power over. True power.
While you’re here, you can learn a little bit about me, read about the coaching services available to you, and even schedule a no-cost initial consultation to talk about your needs. And, if you have some time to spend, there’s plenty of content to explore.
I look forward to speaking with you. Thanks for visiting!
P.S. Scroll down a little further to the bottom of this page (and, almost any page) to subscribe to the Peaceful Parent Whisperer email list, and receive a thank-you gift: Seven Steps to Heaven.
Trade your frustration for joy & peace.
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