That Screaming Parent in the Supermarket... What to Do?

That Screaming Parent in the Supermarket... What to Do?

I don't think there is one "right" way to handle a situation like this...I just want to offer this as a possible approach. Some folks would openly confront the parent, but I think that could potentially have a devastating backlash effect for the child later on.  Here's another possible way...

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Peaceful parenting and soup...

Peaceful parenting and soup...

A delectable, comforting, enriching, nutritious soup depends on having the right ingredients in the right quantities.  And, in the radical unschooling “soup,” peaceful parenting principles constitute the soup base.  Radical unschooling without peaceful parenting may not go down so easy, and may not leave the best taste in your mouth.  (The truth is, peaceful parenting makes everything taste better!)

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Great news!!! Four more class times/dates offered...and....

...and I can now offer local call-in numbers for more than 55 countries!!!  So, if you are wanting to take the class and you live in, for instance, Argentina, I've got an Argentinian number you can use to call in.  How cool is that?!

And, I have (as I just said) four new class times/dates. There's a:

Click one of those links, above, to learn more about the class and to get registered.

As always, parenting partners attend for one tuition, not two. And, if the classes you see don't fit your scheduling needs, let me know what your scheduling needs are, and we'll see what we can work out. Just send me an email using this link.

Just. Listen.

Just. Listen.

It's hard to keep our advice and opinions to ourselves...but, if we REALLY want to be helpful, the best way is to keep our mouths closed and our eyes, ears, and heart open. 

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