If you have been struggling with
- uncooperative kids,
- lying,
- tantrums and meltdowns,
- yelling, hitting, fighting, and screaming, and
- other behaviors that drive you up the wall…
this is the series for you.
“...[Marji] has assisted us in understanding more fully life’s seeming complexities with our older teenagers...”
You will learn:
- why kids behave the way they do,
- how to interpret unwanted behavior,
- how to help kids cooperate better,
- how to help kids communicate more effectively,
- to improve your communication skills,
- what children really need from you and how to meet their needs without sacrificing your own needs,
- how to turn things around when you've "lost it,"
- how to transition from coercive, punitive parenting to peaceful parenting without feeling like you're being walked all over,
- how to respond more effectively,
- how to make power struggles a distant memory,
- to develop strategies that feel good to you and that turn things around fast without losing your cool,
- how to stop yelling,
- how to stop hitting,
- positive steps to end bullying, AND
- how to take better care of yourself so that you can be more responsive to your children!
“Thank you, very much. You gave me a very valuable communication/ relationship tool. I am so grateful!”
Reserve your seat now:
AND, you’ll learn how you can effectively respond to your children in a way that
- deepens your connection,
- ends unwanted behavior, and
- is in alignment with the parent you want to be!
“Wow!!!!! I learned so much in just a short amount of time! Thank you, Marji, and also to everybody for making it a safe place to share.”
The total cost for the six-week series is $120 (receive a 10% discount for paying in full prior to 10/6/2014). A payment plan is also available, please ask.
NOTE: Both parents are invited to attend for no additional charge!
Reserve your seat now:
“Working with [Marji] could be another path of wellness to being the parent you want to be. I know it has for me.”
We meet every Thursday evening from 10:00 to 11:30 pm via teleconference.
Week 1: October 9
Week 2: October 16
Week 3: October 23
Week 4: October 30
Week 5: November 6
Week 6: November 13
“You have changed my life!”
Reserve your seat now:
Note: Reserve your seat using this button only by previous agreement: